

Name Origin

Hamadryad, a particular type of tree nymph in Greek mythology whose life is tied to the life of the tree they inhabit


Jungle Troopers


Wood Spirit








Hamadryamon is the culturist of the Sovereignty, and takes her role incredibly seriously, making great pains to preserve the heritage of the nation she has called home her entire life. She carries an air of grace and elegance as far as she is able...which isn't particularly far, as her patience with other people is somewhat lacking. Elitist and holier-than-thou at best and downright spiteful and petty at worst, she is the member of the Sovereignty with the most infamous reputation in all the far-off nations she finds herself begrudgingly invited to.

Prickly personality aside, her love for her nation is genuine, as is her love for Hasdielmon, for whom she will quell her worst impulses and try her hardest to be civil. In truth, she has a deep fear for the future of the Spokes given the turbulent political times that have led to its current format, and is willing to try anything she can to maintain the pristine peace that she remembers. And if it comes to it, she is more than willing to sully her own hands if it means she can keep the toxic influences out of the districts for good.


  • Thanatos Liana - Hamadryamon extends her claws, creating waves of vines that follow her every will, pursuing, slashing and ensnaring her targets. The vines have a numbing effect, and they are laced with laceratingly sharp bark.
  • Viral Vitae - Hamadryamon's gemstones glow with internal power, releases a dark vapour from her sleeves. Contact or inhalation of this vapour causes it to affect its targets senses, leading to deliriumm lack of motor control, and in high concentrations even shutting down of bodily functions. If Hamadryamon touches the cloud, it absorbs back into her, and she can revatialise herself.
  • Autumn Claw - Hamadryamon's hands glow as she strikes at the air or the nearest surface, causing great, leaf-covered vines to mimic her movements, striking and slicing at her opponents.